Thursday 22 March 2018

A to Z short Name list

Basic Computer Abbreviations

ATA—Advanced Technology Attachment
ASCII—American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ARPANET—Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
Ajax—Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
ASP—Active Server Pages/Application Service Provider
API—Application Programming Interface
ATA—Advanced Technology Attachment
ATM—Asynchronous Transfer Mode
BAL—Basic Assembly Language
BASIC—Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BIOS—Basic Input Output System
bps—bits per second
BCD—Binary Coded Decimal
Blog—Web Log
BMP—Basic Multilingual Plane
BT—BitTorrent / Bluetooth
CAD—Computer-Aided Design
CPU—Central Processing Unit
CIM—Common Information Model
CRS—Computer Reservations System

CRT—Cathode Ray Tube
CLI—Command Line Interface
CDMA—Code Division Multiple Access
CMOS—Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CSI—Common System Interface
CD-ROM—CD Read-Only Memory
CMOS—Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CSV—Comma-Separated Values
COBOL—Common Business-Oriented Language
CGI—Common Gateway Interface /Computer-Generated Imagery
DAO—Data Access Objects
DHTML—Dynamic Hypertext Markup Language
DAT—Digital Audio Tape
DIVX—Digital Video Express
DVD—Digital Video Disc
DVD-ROM—DVD-Read Only Memory
DOS—Disk Operating System
DDR—Double Data Rate
DNS—Domain Name System
EEPROM—Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ENIAC—Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
EBCDIC—Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EPROM—Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
ESD—Electrostatic Discharge
FAT—File Allocation Table
FAQ—Frequently Asked Questions
FDD—Floppy Disk Drive
FDMA—Frequency-Division Multiple Access
FS—File System 
FSB—Front Side Bus
FTP—File Transfer Protocol
Gb—Gigabit / GB—Gigabyte 
GIF—Graphics Interchange Format
GPL—General Public License
GPRS—General Packet Radio Service
HD—High Density 
HDD—Hard Disk Drive
HD DVD—High Definition DVD 
HT—Hyper Threading
HTM—Hierarchical Temporal Memory
HTML—Hypertext Markup Language
HTTPHypertext Transfer Protocol
IBM—International Business Machines
IC—Integrated Circuit
ICMP—Internet Control Message Protocol
ICT—Information and Communication Technology
IDE—Integrated Development Environment /Integrated Drive Electronics
IE—Internet Explorer
IIS—Internet Information Services
IM—Instant Messaging
IMAP—Internet Message Access Protocol

IP—Intellectual Property /Internet Protocol
IrDA—Infrared Data Association
ISA—Industry Standard Architecture /Instruction Set Architecture
iSCSI—Internet Small Computer System Interface
ISDN—Integrated Services Digital Network
ISP—Internet Service Provider
IT—Information Technology
J2EE—Java 2 Enterprise Edition
J2ME—Java 2 Micro Edition
J2SE—Java 2 Standard Edition
JDK—Java Development Kit
JPEG—Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE—Java Runtime Environment
KB—Keyboard /Kilobyte /Knowledge Base
KVM—Keyboard, Video, Mouse
LED—Light-Emitting Diode
LG – LG Electronics

LAN – Local Area Network

LCD – Liquid Crystal Display

LDT – Lightning Data Transport

LED – Light Emitting Diode
MAN—Metropolitan Area Network
MBR—Master Boot Record
MDI—Multiple Document Interface
MIDI—Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MMU—Memory Management Unit
MMX—Multi-Media Extensions
MNG—Multiple-image Network Graphics
MPEG—Motion Pictures Experts Group
MOSFET—Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MPEG—Motion Pictures Experts Group
MS-DOS—Microsoft DOS
NIC—Network Interface Controller
NTFS—NT Filesystem

NVRAM—Non-Volatile Random Access Memory
OS—Open Source /Operating System
PAN—Personal Area Network
PATA—Parallel ATA
PC—Personal Computer
PCB—Printed Circuit Board
PC DOS—Personal Computer Disk Operating System
PCI—Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCIe—PCI Express
PERL—Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
PGA—Pin Grid Array
PHP—PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PIC—Peripheral Interface Controller /Programmable Interrupt Controller
PLC—Power Line Communication /Programmable Logic Controller
POST—Power-On Self Test
PPI—Pixels Per Inch
PS/2—Personal System/2
PSU—Power Supply Unit
RAD—Rapid Application Development
RAM—Random Access Memory
RAID—Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
RAIT—Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes
RF—Radio Frequency 
RGB—Red, Green, Blue (RGBA—Red, Green, Blue, Alpha)
RIP—Raster Image Processor /Routing Information Protocol
ROM—Read Only Memory
ROM-DOS—Read Only Memory - Disk Operating System
SCSI—Small Computer System Interface
SDRAM—Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SFTP—Secure FTP /Simple File Transfer Protocol
SHDSL—Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line
SIMD—Single Instruction, Multiple Data
SIMM—Single Inline Memory Module
SPI—Serial Peripheral Interface
SPI—Stateful Packet Inspection
SVG—Scalable Vector Graphics
SVGA—Super Video Graphics Array
TBTera Byte

TCP/IP—Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDMA—Time Division Multiple Access
TTF—TrueType Font
TTL—Transistor-Transistor Logic
UPS—Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI—Uniform Resource Identifier
URL—Uniform Resource Locator
USB—Universal Serial Bus

UTF—Unicode Transformation Format
UTP—Unshielded Twisted Pair
VB—Visual Basic
VBA—Visual Basic for Applications
VBS—Visual Basic Script
VPN—Virtual Private Network
VPU—Visual Processing Unit
WAN—Wide Area Network
WAP—Wireless Access Point /Wireless Application Protocol
Wi-Fi—Wireless Fidelity
WLAN—Wireless Local Area Network

WMA—Windows Media Audio
WMV—Windows Media Video
WPAN—Wireless Personal Area Network
XML—eXtensible Markup Language
Y2K—Year Two Thousand

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